Handiwork on bags is a wonderful way to lend a personalized touch. It could range from embroidery and embellishments to handpainting. Even International brands such as Hermes and Burberry have embraced the concept. I’ve recently come across some awesome handpainted bags and the budding brands behind them. This series is to introduce each one of them to you readers.
To start with, we have Vakaro, that offers handpainted bags in authentic leather. They are an almost 4 year old company. The brand was born when the founders tried to hunt for such bags for themselves and noticed the void, deciding to fill it with their own offerings. They brought quality, durability and aesthetics together by making leather the base for the splendid paintings. Their blog explains the painstaking painting process of using intricate brushes that sometimes takes days on end to complete. But the end result justifies it all as they are masterpieces of sorts! They preserve the USP of handpainting by limiting the quantities produced for each design. This ensures uniqueness and customers enjoy the exclusivity.
Their bags are supremely colorful and you’d find it hard to believe that they’re actually leather bags! It’s almost a paradigm shift from the plain monotone leather bags we are so accustomed to seeing. Vakaro has a wide range of styles on offer – from hobos, satchels and crossbodies to totes, weekenders and clutches. I like the attention they pay to details – the names of their bags are as beautiful as the bags themselves. They evoke that excitement of reading a fairy tale. Consider these – Nectar Wish, Dreamy Desire, Dazed and Amazed, Dance of Soul, Enchanting Elegance. What do you think?
Storage sections are ample and functional. Take the example of this backpack that has the crucial zippered pocket at the back, which I have always maintained every backpack should have. Backpacks are generally out of sight when carried and it is important to have a pocket that is out of reach of any prying hands to ensure the security of important items.
Vakaro bags can be bought at their own website and even from Rainkart. Both leather and the manual laborious process of painting bloat the prices a bit. But as they say, such works of art are always investments and never an expenditure. They even export to other countries. Shipping within India is free. I must mention here that they have other products in their portfolio as well, like jewelery, garments, belts, lipstick cases etc.
I hope this post would inspire at least some of you to include a handpainted bag in your collection, if you haven’t already